Statement of Principles


The Socio Educational Movement , SEM, we are constructing is the fruit of the dynamism of the Socio Educational Proposal of the Teresian Association in America- EDUCATION IN DIFFICULT TIMES- which wants to be a response in present times to the concerns, dreams, desires and actions of educators with the humanizing and transforming potential of education in its different expressions and fields of action. The SEM has the following principles as its foundation:

1. The SEM “Education in Difficult Times” aims at gathering women and men of all ages, who through their work and profession are sensitive to the permanent signs of inequality, discrimination and exclusion that are present in our societies, and who have the desire to build alternatives which affirm justice, equality, solidarity and an active citizenship, with a socio educative approach.

2. We believe this is the opportune time for us, educators in different countries of the continent, in formal education and non formal education, present in public or private spheres, to unite our efforts for the building of this movement which has at the center of its actions, the affirmation of the right of every person to quality education , an education which promotes equality, equity, values diversity (socio cultural, ethnic, of genre, among others), social justice and human rights in the continent, assuming a humanizing and transformative focus, as an alternative to the dominant trends in our societies.

3. Our times urge us to construct new paradigms in education, which offer adequate responses to the complex situations of our times. We believe that educators are main protagonists in the searches that require a reflective, critical, and pro active way of thinking and acting together.

4. The SEM is conceived as a dynamic process whose building has already started from the reality of each country. Its identity has the following elements:

  • Articulates local realities with a continental and global perspective.
  • It is plural, reflective, participative, inclusive, agile, flexible, inter religious and democratic.
  • It aims at contributing actively to the building of a committed citizenship and public policies that promote a quality education for all.
  • It promotes networking and collaboration with movements which have similar goals.

5. The SEM promotes particularly four aspects:

  • An updated analysis of the context of the continent and each local reality.
  • The study and discussion on issues related to the right to education and its consequences, whether in the field of formal education or other.
  • The exchange of experiences developed in various contexts and countries.
  • A proactive and critical update and follow up on public policies related to socio educative Issues.

6. The SEM has as its main emphasis for action:

  • The permanent formation of educators.
  • The follow up and proactive stand on public policies related to socio educative issues.

7. The SEM is multidimensional. It seeks to develop in an articulated way the political, socio-cultural, human, pedagogical and transcendent dimension of educational practices. It also promotes an inter related vision of the various aspects of education at the local, national and continental levels.

8. The members of the SEM are educators in formal and no formal education, in public or private spheres at all levels and modalities.

9. Joining the SEM implies a personal membership and a commitment to the S tatement of Principles stated here.

The SEM is a space of collective building, dialog and exchange. A space for us, educators, to dream, create and join forces towards the promotion of an education committed with processes of humanization and transformation of our country and the continent in its entirety.


Lima, Nov 2, 2008.